Blog Wednesday, November 29 2023
There are over 2 million healthcare workers in Florida.
According to state law, providers need to pass Level II background checks in order to find and hold employment. These checks look for disqualifying offenses such as:
The Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) helps to enforce the latest screening regulations. The idea is to make sure all healthcare facilities conduct background checks on potential employees and report anything they find that may affect the applicant’s eligibility.
Why Conduct Healthcare Background Checks in Florida? Beyond healthcare employers’ legal obligation, these are just some of the reasons employers should pre-screen their staff.
Healthcare background checks allow employers to identify potential safety risks before they become a problem. Screening prospective workers for a history of malpractice, substance abuse, and criminal activity is essential.
Florida, like many other U.S. states, has specific screening regulations in place for healthcare facilities. Following background check requirements is both a legal obligation and an important way to build trust in your community.
We’re all human, but there’s no excuse for a breach of ethics. Patients and families put a great deal of trust in healthcare providers. Comprehensive background checks will confirm all of your practitioners have a history of professional behavior.
In Florida, healthcare background checks are mandatory. This means that failure to conduct a Level II screen can lead to legal penalties. Fines and sanctions are just the beginning for healthcare organizations that don’t comply.
Background checks include screening for exclusion from federal healthcare programs like Medicaid. The goal here is to keep employees who have been disqualified from government healthcare programs away from Florida healthcare facilities.
We all recognize the value of being proactive. Background checks are a vital, proactive risk management tool. By identifying problematic candidates before they’re hired, you can make informed decisions to mitigate risks. This will lead to a safer environment for everyone.
The honor system only gets us so far. In a shocking 2020 survey, 78% of respondents admitted to misrepresenting themselves on a resume. Background checks can verify that healthcare professionals have the licensure and qualifications they claim to have.
Background screening sends a message about the facility’s commitment to integrity. A consistent screening protocol will make it clear that you prioritize patients’ and team members’ well-being. It will also show others how much you value their safety.
Should Florida Healthcare Facilities Hire a Screening Provider? Healthcare employers can conduct their own background checks. However, working with a trusted provider is usually preferable. Partnering with a company like Redstar Backgrounds will save your facility time and make sure you comply with the latest screening regulations.
Here are some factors to consider when choosing a screening provider:
Make sure the vendor is accredited and FCRA-compliant before you hire them. This will confirm the screening process meets legal requirements and reflects industry standards.
Look for a provider that offers a range of services, from criminal background checks to license verification services. That way nothing will slip through the cracks.
In the fast-paced healthcare industry, quick results are critical. Try to find a screening company that can deliver accurate results fast. That way you can make hiring decisions promptly.
Florida Healthcare Employers’ Trusted Screening Partner At Redstar Backgrounds and, our team will help you through every step of the pre-employment screening process. Work with us, and we’ll tailor a healthcare background check program to your organization’s specific needs.
Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our healthcare screening services, visit our website or follow us on Facebook, X, and LinkedIn |