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Friday, March 17 2023
How to Keep Up with Changing Employment Screening Regulations

One thing is certain for Texas companies: employment screening law is always evolving.


It can be difficult to keep up with the latest regulations—but it’s important for employers to stay on top of them. Staying aware of the current law will help you avoid costly fines and potential lawsuits.


With that, here are some strategies for staying up-to-date:


  • Understand the basics of the latest screening regulations.

You need to have a solid understanding of general employment screening regulations. These regulations include the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidance, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


In addition, you should take note of any laws that apply to your industry or location. Under Texas law, for example, most employers are limited to a seven-year criminal background check for roles paying less than $75,000. For higher-paying positions, employers may be able to access the candidate’s criminal background dating back to age 18. Some Texas cities have ban-the-box laws as well.


  • Stay current with regulatory changes.

Employment screening laws can change quickly. Texas employers should follow industry, regional, and national news to determine whether their hiring processes are affected by any changes that take place. If you don’t know where to start, you can consult legal blogs, government websites, and industry associations.


Experienced pre-employment screening providers can be wonderful resources too.


  • Speak with a lawyer.

When in doubt, talk to a lawyer to make sure your screening practices are compliant with the law. A skilled attorney will walk you through complex legal issues and give you expert guidance on background check compliance.


Legal counsel is always worth the investment in these cases. To avoid hefty fines and lawsuits, your company must comply with federal, state, and local laws.


  • Invest in training for hiring managers.

Training for human resources (HR) staff is an essential part of compliance. You’ll want to confirm your HR team and hiring managers understand the importance of compliance and the consequences of non-compliance in hiring. Make sure they know how to conduct employment background checks—and how to interpret the results correctly.


  • Review your policies and processes.

Texas companies should review their policies and processes at least every year to make sure they comply with the current screening regulations. Employers may want to conduct the occasional internal audit to pinpoint areas of noncompliance and make critical updates. Like we mentioned above, a lawyer can help your company navigate this if needed.


  • Maintain accurate records.

Detailed recordkeeping will help you comply with employment screening laws and regulations. Be sure to maintain accurate records of all your employment background checks—including consent forms, each applicant’s results, and any adverse actions you have taken in response to the screening process. A reminder that these records should stay confidential and secure.


  • Partner with a reputable background screening provider.

Interested in having a trusted partner help you navigate changing regulations? A third-party provider like Redstar Backgrounds can help you stay thorough, current, and compliant in your pre-employment screening. Background check providers are extremely knowledgeable about the latest screening laws.


Pre-Employment Screening for Texas Employers

Whether you are in San Antonio or Austin, Corpus Christi or El Paso, pre-employment screening should be a key part of your approach to hiring.


At Redstar Backgrounds and, our team will help you through every step of the background check process. No matter your industry, we’ll craft the exact screening solution you need to vet your staff—in line with the latest regulations.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our screening services here in Texas, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Posted by: AT 11:31 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, February 28 2023
5 Reasons to Use a Professional Background Check Service

In the digital age, you may feel we’re all connected. Now more than ever, applicants are considering employment opportunities far from home. People can choose a city or a role they’re interested in and relocate in just a few weeks.


Many candidates come to Texas. Others live in one Texas city and search for work in another. Members of a third group may choose to pursue a new career opportunity in the same city. Here in San Antonio, we see this a great deal.


Yet companies must be diligent about the people they hire. This is where pre-employment screening comes in. Background checks confirm each person you invite to join your team is qualified, trustworthy, and safe.


To screen candidates thoroughly and accurately, many employers hire a professional background check service. Here are five reasons you should have a licensed third-party provider oversee your pre-employment screening:


     1.    Manage liability risks.

Did you know that employers are liable for their employees’ actions in the workplace? This means that if a team member does something illegal on the job, the company could be responsible. To avoid hiring someone with a criminal background or a history of illicit behavior, many employers turn to a professional background check provider. The right service will mitigate your organization’s liability risks.


     2.    Verify the candidate’s history.

You’d be surprised by how many job applicants embellish their qualifications and experience. Research shows that 55% of Americans have lied on their resume at least once. To avoid hiring untruthful people, Texas employers may choose to work with a screening service that can catch those discrepancies early. An experienced provider will go the extra mile in making sure your applicants have the skills they claim. 


     3.    Cultivate a safe work environment.

Remember how we mentioned that employers have a legal responsibility for their team members’ actions? They’re also tasked with providing a safe workplace for their staff. This starts with conducting comprehensive background checks on each new candidate—and making sure you aren’t hiring someone with a history of violence or drug use. Your community’s safety, after all, should be a top priority.


     4.    Protect your organization’s credibility.

Hiring the wrong person can have serious consequences on your company’s reputation. Word of mouth spreads quickly, and one person’s actions can hurt your business for years. To preserve your brand and reputation, you’ll want to make certain you only hire high-character people whose values align with your own. Again, this is where a professional background check provider may come in.


     5.    Hire more efficiently.

If you’re reluctant to outsource your pre-employment screening, just think about how more efficient you’ll become. Background check providers have access to a full suite of databases and tools that allow them to conduct comprehensive, accurate checks quickly. This will help your Texas organization make better, faster hiring decisions that will save you time and money.


The job market is competitive, and you want to consider only the best candidates for your company. Redstar Backgrounds can help you make the right hiring decisions by verifying candidates’ credentials, checking their references, and confirming other key information.


Pre-Employment Screening in San Antonio

Whether you are in San Antonio or Austin, Corpus Christi or El Paso, pre-employment screening should be a key part of your hiring process.


At Redstar Backgrounds and, our team will help you through every step. No matter your industry, we’ll craft the exact screening solution you need to vet your job candidates.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our screening services here in Texas, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Posted by: AT 08:38 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 22 2023
Pre-Employment Background Checks: Overview and Benefits

Pre-employment background checks play a key role in the hiring process.


In addition to making sure a candidate is a good fit for the organization, these checks verify the information applicants provide. A simple screening is an effective way for Texas employers to make sure they are hiring honest, well-qualified people.


This post will offer an overview of pre-employment background checks. It will also cover the benefits of background checks and explain how to conduct them.


What Goes into a Pre-Employment Background Check?

Pre-employment screening involves a thorough review of the candidate’s personal, educational, and employment history. The vast majority of background checks look into the applicant’s criminal background too. Reference checks and motor vehicle records (MVR) checks may also come into play.


The purpose of a pre-employment background check is to confirm the applicant has provided truthful, accurate information. Another goal is to uncover potential red flags—say, a felony charge or a fudged resume—that would disqualify the person from being considered.


Different Texas employers may adjust their approach to pre-employment screening based on their needs. For example, a company that hires delivery drivers or requires staff to operate heavy machinery will emphasize driving history more than a healthcare facility would.


Why Conduct Pre-Employment Background Checks?

Here are some of the benefits pre-employment screening brings employers:


  • Safety and security

Looking to elevate your company’s security? Background checks are a great place to start. By conducting a thorough review of a candidate’s criminal history, you can identify safety concerns before you onboard a potentially problematic team member.


  • More informed hiring decisions

By verifying a candidate’s background—namely their criminal, employment, and education history—employers can confirm the applicant has the right skills, character, and experience for the role. This brings us to our next point.


  • Lower turnover

Background checks can also reduce turnover. The idea is to make sure the candidate is a good fit both culturally and for the role in question—before they join the team. This helps to improve retention rates and save money on recruitment.


  • Reduced liability

Background screening offers financial protection against liability. By reviewing an applicant’s history before extending a job offer, employers can show they have taken reasonable steps to avoid putting the company at risk.


Now let’s discuss what a pre-employment background check might look like.


The Pre-Employment Screening Process

Here are some common steps involved in a pre-employment background check:


1. Obtaining the applicant’s written consent

Before conducting a pre-employment background check, employers must seek the candidate’s consent in writing. This generally includes a release form that authorizes the employer to perform the check.


2. Collecting the candidate’s information

After obtaining the release, the employer may request the applicant’s name, address, and date of birth. Companies will likely require the candidate’s Social Security and driver’s license number as well.


3. Completing the background check

Finally, the employer can complete the pre-employment background screening process. They can then review the results to determine whether the applicant is right for the role.


Texas employers should note that when it comes to background screening, compliance is key. Redstar Backgrounds can help you stay thorough, compliant, and proactive in your hiring process.


Pre-Employment Screening for Texas Employers

Whether you are in San Antonio or Austin, Corpus Christi or El Paso, pre-employment screening should be a key part of your approach to hiring.


At Redstar Backgrounds and, our team will help you through every step of the background check process. No matter your industry, we’ll craft the exact screening solution you need to vet your staff.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our screening services here in Texas, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Posted by: AT 03:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, January 24 2023
The Value of Background Checks in Healthcare

Pre-employment screening is about so much more than making sure your new hires are qualified. A meticulous background check will provide insight into a person’s character, criminal history, and more.


In the medical field, background checks are truly invaluable. They help healthcare organizations protect patients and staff, preserve their reputation, and cultivate a strong culture.


This article will explore the nuances of background checks in healthcare.


Pre-Employment Screening in the Medical Field

Healthcare organizations in San Antonio, Austin, and Corpus Christi must develop the screening program they need to safeguard patients and hire the right people.


Generally, a background check in the healthcare industry will include the following:


  • Criminal records check

By running the candidate through a database with over 1 billion records, you can confirm they have a clean criminal history.


  • Motor vehicle records (MVR) search

An MVR search will bring additional transparency to potential hires—from vehicle-related crimes to their accident history.


  • Verification services

Employment, education, and identity verification are essential. They confirm the candidate is not only qualified, but truthful.


  • Drug testing

Drug abuse costs Texas healthcare organizations money and puts patients at risk. Stay ahead of problems with a custom program.


  • Sanctions

It’s extremely important that you look into healthcare candidates’ career history. Screening for sanctions will help you weed out medical workers who have been penalized, suspended, or who have faced disciplinary action.


Why Healthcare Background Checks Matter

Texas healthcare employers should screen all of their staff. Hiring managers ought to conduct background checks on administrators, physicians, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, healthcare transport workers like EMTs, and even marketing and janitorial staff.


If this sounds like overkill, it’s not. There is significant demand for healthcare workers throughout the U.S., and Texas is no exception. Hospitals, clinics, home care agencies, and even medical device manufacturers are searching for new team members.


Despite this demand, healthcare companies can’t just hire anyone. In all industries, but particularly in the medical field, employers need to be on high alert. They need to know which candidates have problematic criminal pasts, concerning suspensions or probations, or a history of drug abuse.


The ethics of inadequate screening notwithstanding, it’s important to note that healthcare employers also have a legal obligation to pre-screen their staff. A limited (or nonexistent) background check program could lead to serious consequences. Litigation, malpractice accusations, reputation damage, and safety issues are just the beginning.


A Seamless Approach for Healthcare Companies

As Texas companies continue to hire healthcare workers, they need to improve their hiring strategies. Yet human resources departments are often so overwhelmed by hiring that they fall short on screening.


A third-party provider can step in and assist companies in the medical field. Together, you can integrate a vetted screening solution into your own hiring practices, customizing them as needed and staying compliant with the law throughout.


Are you ready to create a custom pre-employment screening program? Redstar Backgrounds will make it happen. Let us help you exceed healthcare industry standards and hire the best talent around.


Background Screening for Texas Healthcare Employers

Healthcare employers in San Antonio, Austin, and Corpus Christi will save money—and protect their reputation—by hiring the right people people.


This is where pre-employment screening comes in. At Redstar Backgrounds and, our team will help you through every step of the background check process. No matter your industry, we’ll craft the exact screening solution you need to vet your staff.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our screening services, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Posted by: AT 04:08 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, December 20 2022
Does My Company Need a Background Check on a New Employee?

You may have found a wonderful new team member. They’re well-qualified and seem like a great fit for your organization.


Is a background check really necessary? The answer is yes. This article will outline the reasons why you should absolutely screen new employees before onboarding them to your company.


The Pitfalls of Not Conducting a Background Check

John owns a boutique advertising agency in Austin. When Amanda submitted her resume, he couldn’t believe his luck. Amanda held a communications degree from an incredible school, had five years of extremely relevant experience, and submitted a stellar cover letter.


John didn’t bother conducting a background check. Then, one morning a few months into the job, Amanda didn’t show up to work. She missed an important client meeting. It turned out she was in jail following an arrest for her third DWI. John would have known this, if only he’d screened his new hire.


Something similar happened to Daniela, the HR manager of a Dallas manufacturing plant. She hired Brayden on the spot, without checking his references. Had she adequately screened him, Daniela would have learned he’d recently gotten fired for stealing petty cash from his last employer. Instead, she didn’t find out about Brayden’s record until he did the same thing to her.


Why New-Hire Background Checks Matter

If the examples above aren’t enough to convince you that background checks are essential, the following list should be.


Here are some of the reasons why you must screen potential new hires:


  • Reduce turnover

John and Daniela were thrilled to find their new employees—only they didn’t screen them. So when Amanda and Brayden broke the law, these higher-ups had to deal with even more turnover. This could have been prevented with a thorough background check.


  • Preserve your reputation

You don’t want to compromise your reputation. A single questionable hiring decision can deter clients from working with you, or qualified candidates from applying to join your team. Throw a risk of legal liability into the mix, and things won’t look good.


  • Protect your team

The safety of your team and the surrounding community should be top-of-mind. Background screening will ensure your employees come to work in a safe and honest environment each day. This will build camaraderie and promote job satisfaction.


  • Build a quality talent pool

Candidates who know you conduct background checks will be more likely to work with you. From there, you will continue to build a high-quality talent pool. And this has something of a snowball effect—making background checks well worth the investment.


  • Fulfill an obligation

In some industries, employers have a legal requirement to screen their staff. Roles that involve working with children or vulnerable seniors, as well as those in security or healthcare, require background checks. Staying compliant with the law will also save you hefty legal expenses.


If you own or operate a company and want help setting up a screening program, Redstar Backgrounds is here for you.


Background Screening for Texas Employers

Employers in Texas cities like San Antonio, Dallas, Corpus Christi, Waco, El Paso, and Austin will save money—and preserve their reputation—by hiring the right people people.


This is where pre-employment screening comes in. At Redstar Backgrounds and, our team will help you through every step of the background check process. No matter your industry, we’ll craft the exact screening solution you need to properly vet your staff.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our screening services, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Posted by: AT 02:42 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, November 29 2022
The Importance of Manufacturing Background Checks in Texas

Hiring the right candidates for a manufacturing position can be challenging.


When it comes to staffing, employers must not only hire the most qualified person for the job, but the most trustworthy—and the safest. Whether you’re onboarding an executive or a new member of the factory floor team, screening your staff is essential.


This post will describe the importance of background checks for manufacturing positions. Texas employers, please take note.


Why Develop a Manufacturing-Specific Screening Solution?

The manufacturing industry is essential to our economy. That said, safety is the most important factor.


Employers in this sector understand that to succeed, they have to mitigate risks. A significant part of this—in addition to having proper safety measures in place—is to hire well-qualified people.


This is where a blend of pre-employment and post-hire screening may come in. By conducting regular checks, you can decrease shrinkage, reduce liability, promote job satisfaction, and elevate safety.


Ultimately, comprehensive background checks will help you avoid hiring candidates whose values don’t align with your company’s. An applicant may have a stellar resume, for example. Yet if their references reveal a history of risky, uncooperative behavior, they may be more of a liability than an asset.


Now let’s discuss what a manufacturing background check should entail.


What Do Manufacturing Background Checks Include?

Manufacturing companies in Austin, Houston, Corpus Christi, and San Antonio should incorporate the following into their background screening:


  • Criminal Records Check

Everyone wants to build a team of people with good character. One of the best ways to cover your bases here is to conduct a criminal background check before you hire anyone new. While not all prior convictions should automatically disqualify the candidate, they should raise a red flag. The idea is to pinpoint risky hires early on and do the research you need before extending a job offer.


  • Motor Vehicle Records (MVR) Check

If the position you’re looking to fill involves driving or operating heavy machinery, then this check is critical. A clean driving record will ensure the candidate can legally—and safely—operate a motor vehicle. This will protect your company, your team, and your reputation. There are countless safety precautions to consider in manufacturing, and your entire team should be up to the task.


  • Drug Testing

Naturally, you’re looking to prevent workplace accidents and damage. Testing potential hires for drug use will ensure everyone on the factory floor is of sound judgment at all times. The ethics of illicit drug use and abuse notwithstanding, drug tests will boost your company’s safety, productivity, and quality control. You’ll likely find there’s a greater sense of camaraderie in a drug-free environment as well.


  • Employment Verification

In the manufacturing industry, employers strive to maintain a high standard of quality. Again, this is where background screening comes in. Pre-employment background checks can help companies verify an applicant has the experience they claim to have. This will confirm they are honest, qualified, and capable of excellence as a key member of your company.


Strengthen Your Workforce with Expert Screening

Manufacturing employers in San Antonio, Houston, Corpus Christi, and Austin can save money and build a stronger team with an expert third-party screening provider. At Redstar Backgrounds, our staff will guide you through every step of conducting a comprehensive background check.


We promise to craft the exact screening solution you need—focusing on what matters in the manufacturing industry while staying compliant with the law.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our screening services, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Posted by: AT 09:43 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, November 21 2022
Healthcare Employment Screening and Background Checks | San Antonio and Austin

Employers in the healthcare industry must do their due diligence to screen potential hires.


Important for all types of healthcare facilities (from hospitals to private clinics), background checks make it easy to evaluate an applicant’s employment history and overall background.


This post will highlight why healthcare background checks are so important here in Texas.


Why Do Healthcare Background Checks Matter?

In all industries, background checks ensure you’re inviting the right candidates to join your team. Screening services help employers guarantee they’re hiring safe, well-qualified, trustworthy people.


Now, this holds true in all industries. But in healthcare, background checks are even more critical. Patients may be in a vulnerable position, and they deserve to receive expert care from people they can trust.


Just consider a study from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (DHHS OIG), which revealed that 19% of nurse’s aides with substantiated claims of theft, neglect, or abuse had at least one criminal conviction. Many of these hires could have been avoided with a proper background check.


With that, healthcare background checks help to achieve the following:


  • Protect patients and colleagues from potential harm.
  • Confirm applicants are qualified for their healthcare job.
  • Reduce employer risk of negligent hiring liability.
  • Foster a company culture of honesty and safety.
  • Ensure applicants’ licenses are current and valid.


Some employers may periodically screen their existing staff in addition to any new hires. This ensures current team members haven’t committed any disqualifying offenses since they joined the company.


What Positions Require Healthcare Background Checks?

All positions in the medical field benefit from background screening, right down to administrative ones.


Positions for which candidates are screened include:


  • Physicians
  • Healthcare Administrators
  • Nurses
  • Certified Nursing Assistants
  • Home Health Aides


While healthcare pre-employment screening is tailored to the industry, checks may vary based on the position. A physician, for instance, will require a more thorough background check than a home health aide. Conversely, a home health aide’s background check may have more of a focus on driving history, since these professionals typically drive on the job.


What Disqualifies Applicants from Working in Healthcare?

Common screening flags that may disqualify an applicant from working in healthcare include:


  • Criminal Convictions
  • Embellished or Falsified Resumes
  • Education- or Qualification-Based Lies
  • Expired or Revoked Licenses
  • Drug Screen Failure
  • Sanctions or Exclusions


Past sanctions indicate that the candidate presents a higher risk. Understanding whether an applicant has been sanctioned can help employers hire the most ethically-sound employees.


What Are Healthcare Sanctions?

Physicians and nurses are licensed professionals whose employment depends on the state licensing boards where they work.


These professionals must follow a certain standard of behavior in the field. Should they fail to do so, they may be sanctioned by the state licensing board. Healthcare sanctions include public censures, fines, suspensions, or other actions.


Past sanctions are usually problematic and indicative of a potential issue in the future as well. For this reason, healthcare employers should be extra-cautious before hiring someone who has been sanctioned (or who appears on a federal exclusion list). This is especially important if the organization wants to participate in programs like Medicare and Medicaid.


Healthcare Employment Screening in Texas

Employers in Texas cities like San Antonio and Austin will save money and preserve their reputation by screening their healthcare job applicants.


At Redstar Backgrounds and, our team will guide you through every step—helping you craft the exact screening solution you need while staying compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). We’ll develop a custom, proven program tailored to your requirements.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our screening services, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Posted by: AT 11:26 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Friday, October 28 2022
Background Checks and the Importance of Education Verification

Most hiring decisions are based on a blend of factors. Some employers prioritize professional experience, while others focus on stellar references or the minimum licensure.


Then, there are factors like social media presence, driving record, and criminal background. Employers verify many of these items by way of pre-employment screening.


Background checks have become the norm here in Texas and nationwide. Education verification is a solid place to start.


What Does Education Verification Look Like?

Education verification is designed to verify that the candidate has the education they claim to have. The goal is for hiring managers to make better decisions by vetting the applicant more thoroughly.


Specifically, employers use education verification to confirm the applicant is being truthful and accurate. In addition to making sure the candidate has the degree listed on their resume or application, they also look at timeframes and even the school itself.


These are the items that generally come up during the education verification process:


  • The degree the candidate received
  • The institution(s) the candidate attended
  • The candidate’s dates of attendance and graduation year(s)
  • The candidate’s GPA or other honors information


To verify an applicant’s education, the employer or third-party screening provider will source the candidate’s transcripts and other academic records.


The process is fairly straightforward. That said, it’s important to recognize that the results may show certain discrepancies like name variations, GPA omissions, or the rare clerical error. Employers should always feel free to bring the results up with the candidate for clarification before making a final decision.


Why Verify a Job Candidate’s Education?

The benefits of education verification are extensive. Here are just some of the reasons employers may include this vital service in their background screening program:


  • Assess the candidate’s character.

Chances are you want to hire honest people. An effective way to make sure the applicant has strong morals is to confirm they were truthful on their application. Since you want to work with transparent, ethically-sound people, verifying a candidate’s education can help you weed out those who lie or embellish their background.


  • Make a more informed decision.

A challenging part of the hiring process is that there may be more than one qualified person for a single job opening. If two people seem equally-eligible for a position, their educational achievements can factor into the final decision. Education verification will ensure you extend an offer based on complete and accurate information.


  • Tailor your compensation package.

Many employers are willing to pay more money—or be more flexible during negotiations—when their preferred candidate has an impressive educational background. A company may offer a higher salary to a candidate who either graduated from a highly-ranked school or earned a more advanced degree, for example. Verifying each candidate’s academic information is essential.


Also of note is the fact that many education and government positions have rigid salary tiers based on the applicant’s education and experience. Employers working in these sectors almost always verify their preferred candidates’ information in order to place the potential new hire in the appropriate tier.


Strengthen Your Workforce with Education Verification

Employers in Texas cities like San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Austin can save money and build a better workforce with an expert third-party screening provider by their side. At Redstar Backgrounds, our team will guide you through every step of conducting a comprehensive education verification check.


We promise to craft the exact screening solution you need—focusing on what matters while staying compliant with the law.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our screening services, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Posted by: AT 03:51 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, October 24 2022
Which Specimen Should You Choose? Saliva vs. Urine Drug Tests

Workplace drug screening has become more and more prevalent in the last two decades. In many cases, hiring managers will even drug-test candidates who make the final cut.


Numerous businesses here in Texas and across the country rely on drug tests to screen their staff. These tests are often preventative in nature—a deterrent for current and future staff, and a way to protect the work environment. But what type of drug tests should organizations administer?


This article will compare saliva drug screening and urine drug screening. Both are viable, but there are certain nuances to keep in mind.


Saliva vs. Urine Drug Screening

If you are thinking of developing a drug screening program, you may be wondering whether to conduct urine or saliva drug tests.


Currently, urine is the most common drug testing specimen, followed by saliva.


Urine drug tests are arguably the simplest to administer. These kits generally come with dip sticks, cards, panels, and cups. With results available in under 10 minutes, this method is efficient, practical, and quick. It can also test for numerous drugs in a single test.


Saliva drug tests also produce quick and accurate results. These oral screening solutions generally feature a simple saliva card. Like urine tests, they produce results in under 10 minutes. These kits—again, similar to urine tests—can screen for numerous drugs, including amphetamines, cannabinoids like marijuana, opiates, cocaine, and phencyclidine.


Saliva drug screening solutions have become more popular in recent decades. They have a shorter detection window than urine tests (48 hours instead of 72 hours), but they are in many ways just as effective. Not only that, but they can pick up on drug use minutes after the substance is taken. Urinalysis takes a few hours for the drug to metabolize in the system before the substance can be detected.


Which Specimen Is More Accurate?

Urine and saliva drug tests are similar in terms of accuracy. Urine drug tests produce results with an accuracy rate of more than 99%, while saliva drug tests are about 99% accurate. And while both can test for a broad range of illicit substances, urine tests can in most cases pick up more drugs.


So what’s the answer? Depending on your needs, industry, and setting, one solution might be preferable to the other. Saliva drug tests are usually slightly more convenient, and a little less likely to be manipulated. Oral solutions also require a minimal sample. Yet if speed and versatility are important to you, your organization might opt for urine drug tests instead.


Ultimately, the choice is yours. Whatever type of drug screening solution you choose, you can expect accuracy and efficiency. Our team is here to help you on your path to developing the best program for your needs.


Drug Screening for Texas Employers

Employers in Texas cities like San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Austin will save money and preserve their reputation by drug-testing their workers and applicants.


At Redstar Backgrounds and, our team will help you through every step. No matter your industry, we’ll craft the exact screening solution you need—administering saliva or urine drug tests on a periodic basis. Our team can develop a custom, clinically-backed program tailored to your requirements. We are truly a leader in point-of-care testing (POCT) and instant drug screening.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our screening services, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Posted by: AT 07:55 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, September 28 2022
Why Perform a Driver's License Check on Your New Hires?

Many Texas companies may have a few questions about their background screening process.


One common question is whether they should perform driver’s license checks.


A motor vehicle records (MVR) check can offer important insight into the candidate’s driving history and character. As a screening provider, we find these checks very insightful. For roles that involve driving (or operating any vehicle or heavy machinery), you may even find them essential.


What Does an MVR Check Entail?

An MVR check looks into a candidate’s driving-related information from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). It generally goes over this information in each state. This means that if an applicant has moved across state lines, their driving record will follow them.


Here are some of the results that appear in an MVR report:


  • Driver’s license validity
  • Length of time driving in the U.S. (including in different states)
  • Major and minor driving violations (from DWI to speeding tickets)
  • License class, endorsements, and restrictions


While a lone speeding ticket may not be disqualifying, frequent violations or a more serious offense will almost certainly affect your hiring decision.  


Why Do MVR Checks Matter?

Generally, an applicant’s MVR report only matters if the job requires driving or the use of heavy machinery.


Here are some examples of roles that may require (or benefit from) an MVR check during the hiring process:


  • Delivery or rideshare driver
  • Ambulance driver
  • Bus driver
  • Truck driver
  • Construction industry role
  • News reporter


For roles that include driving as a primary or otherwise important part of the position, MVR checks are key. They’ll reduce your liability as a company, and protect your staff and other people on the road.


How Far Back Do MVR Checks Go?

Each U.S. state has a Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) with its own laws and limits on how far back an MVR check might go.


In most states, MVR checks go back anywhere from three to seven years. Some states go back as far as 10 years.


Most employers look more critically at recent infractions than they do at, say, offenses from many years ago. This is especially relevant if the driver’s more recent driving record is clean.


What Do Employers Look for in an MVR Check?

All industries regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) are federally obligated to perform MVR checks before making a hiring decision. In these sectors, a flawless (or near-flawless) record is ideal.  


Employers across the board are hoping to hire workers who don’t have a history of reckless or dangerous driving. To this end, hiring managers will generally look for:


  • License suspensions or revocations
  • Extensive driving infractions
  • The right license class and/or endorsement for the role
  • Accidents and speeding tickets (a high number of which can be disqualifying)
  • A history of driving while intoxicated or committing other offenses behind the wheel


By eliminating these risks, employers can rest assured they are hiring safe drivers. Click here for more information.


Protect Your Texas Business with Driver’s License Checks

Employers in Texas cities like San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Austin will save money—and safeguard their reputation—by hiring skilled drivers with clean records.


This is where an expert third-party screening solution may come in. At Redstar Backgrounds and, our team will guide you through every step of conducting a comprehensive MVR check.


We promise to craft the exact screening solution you need—focusing on what matters while staying compliant with the law.


Please contact us for details, or to set up a free consultation. For more information on our screening services, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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