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Wednesday, March 25 2020
Should Volunteers Be Screened for Drug and Alcohol Use?

Note: We hope you're well during these difficult times. Here at Redstar Backgrounds, your and your loved ones' health is of the utmost importance to us—now more than ever. And while the blog post below outlines some important matters to consider when business returns to normal, we realize we aren't quite there yet. Per the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization, social distancing remains a top priority, but together, our hope is that we can navigate the pandemic and work toward good health and happiness. Please be well.


Non-profit organizations, schools, and hospitals all rely on volunteers. Some of these Texas entities might not want to trouble those who donate their time for the greater good.


They might not feel comfortable asking their volunteers to complete background checks, let alone drug and alcohol tests.


Yet these simple steps are critical. One volunteer misstep could put your organization’s reputation on the line.


Volunteer background checks—and volunteer drug and alcohol screening—can help mitigate these risks.


Why Conduct Volunteer Background Checks?

Non-profits screen their volunteers for a number of reasons.


The 2018 Verified Volunteers Screening Trends & Best Practices Report revealed some of the most common motivations for conducting volunteer background checks:


  • 91% of respondents completed volunteer screening to protect the communities they serve and/or vulnerable populations.


  • 89% of respondents completed volunteer screening to ensure a safe and secure environment.


  • 77% of respondents completed volunteer screening to safeguard the reputation of their non-profit.


  • 48% of respondents completed volunteer screening to ensure compliance with the law.


  • 41% of respondents completed volunteer screening to increase their volunteer quality.


  • 20% of respondents completed volunteer screening to improve their volunteer retention.


Clearly, the reasons for completing volunteer background screening are expansive. They go far beyond mitigating risks and keeping problematic people at bay.


Should Texas Volunteers Be Tested for Drug and Alcohol Use?

We’ve written previously about how important it is for Texas churches to screen their volunteers. Other non-profits—and really any organization that takes on volunteers—should follow suit.


This screening should include drug testing. Drug tests can easily screen for some of the most commonly-used drugs, including marijuana cocaine, amphetamines, opiates, and PCP. And of course, volunteers can also be screened for alcohol consumption. (You wouldn’t want anyone to drink during their volunteer shift, and alcohol screening can help prevent such a misstep.)


Some key details to consider when screening volunteers for drugs and alcohol:


  • The organization in question must have a written volunteer drug and alcohol screening policy. The policy should state that the non-profit, school, hospital, or other organization enforces a drug- and alcohol-free environment.


  • Volunteers must be given written notice that drug and alcohol screening is required before they begin their volunteer obligation. They must also be informed in writing that they may be subject to periodic drug tests and alcohol screening.


  • Volunteers who are legally-prescribed drugs are encouraged to report any medications they are taking to their supervisor.


Above all else, transparency is key. Rather than being deterred from working with you, volunteers will likely be grateful that you are doing your due diligence to protect your community.


Drug and Alcohol Screening for Volunteers in San Antonio, Austin, and Corpus Christi

Drug screening and breath alcohol tests have become more important than ever to the background screening process. Redstar Backgrounds can manage Texas organizations’ Random Drug Screening Program with our random selection management software.


Paperless drug screening is another popular option for volunteers. The prospective volunteer can simply walk into a clinic with a chain of custody form and a photo ID, and their sample will be delivered to a drug testing collection site. (Any drug tests that come back positive will be reviewed by a medical review officer, also known as an MRO.)


We can also help non-profits develop a custom screening program based on their desired testing frequency, organizational needs, and number of volunteers.


Interested in learning more about drug and alcohol screening for volunteers? Our solutions are top-notch in the industry, and we’d be happy to walk you through your options. Simply contact us for details. You can also follow Redstar Backgrounds on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more information.

Posted by: Ryan J. McClure AT 02:14 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, March 11 2020
Essential Background Screening Factors to Consider

A common thread for Texas companies during the hiring process?


Background screening.


Even when a candidate aces their interview, and the employer is ready to move forward, background checks are a vital step. We recommend that companies in Austin, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, and the surrounding area invest in them before onboarding new people to their team.


What Is Background Screening?

While it’s natural to assume most applicants are honest people—most of them are—a little screening can go a long way. This is where a background check may come in.


By definition, background screening is a thorough review of an applicant or employee’s criminal, work, and even driving history. It often consists of the following:


  • Criminal records check
  • Motor vehicle records (MVR) check
  • Education and employment verification


Each category is designed to give employers all the information they need on a potential employee to make an informed hiring decision. Employees under consideration for a promotion or reassignment may also be asked to complete a background check.


Why Conduct Pre-Employment Background Checks?

We discussed how background checks can help uncover where an applicant might have stretched the truth.


Consider the critically-acclaimed TV show The Office for a minute. You might recall that Dwight, Assistant to the Regional Manager at the fictional Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, often called himself the “Assistant Regional Manager” instead.


Dwight would have been in hot water if he’d put that on his resume. Fortunately, there’s no way this discrepancy would have gone unnoticed during the background screening process.


Regarding some of the other reasons employers should screen their staff, companies may also check applicants’ criminal and financial history. This can help prevent civil liabilities.


Think of it this way: Say an employee drinks on the job and gets injured. If it turns out they were arrested for driving under the influence not long before they were hired, the employer could be held responsible if they’d foregone the background screening process.


As such, background checks help to ensure workplace safety—often by eliminating problematic candidates before they’re hired. Screening may even be mandatory for certain jobs. The National Child Protection Act of 1993, for instance, requires criminal background checks for any position that includes child or elder care.


Background Screening in Texas: 3 Factors to Consider

Now that we’ve discussed the importance of background checks, let’s shed some light on three essential considerations.


  1. Legal compliance

Background screening vendors should be in compliance with all the relevant federal, state, and local laws involving consumer reporting, privacy, data protection, and more.


They should also have procedures in place, per the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), which guarantee the accuracy of the information that comes forth during the screening process. To be FCRA-compliant, applicants must also have the opportunity to dispute the accuracy of their background check results.


  1. Data protection and security

Screening companies like Redstar Backgrounds understand how important it is to safeguard candidates’ personal information.


To this end, providers should absolutely have policies in place to obscure the applicant’s social security number and date of birth. In turn, screening vendors must keep a trail of all individuals and companies who have accessed the individual’s personal information.


  1. Customization

From flexible pricing to the screening services themselves, customization is a crucial factor for Texas companies that conduct background checks. The vendor you select should be willing to work with you and develop a custom-tailored solution that will help you achieve your hiring goals.


Are you interested in learning more about background screening? Contact Redstar Backgrounds for details. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more information.

Posted by: Maddie Cohen AT 04:33 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, February 25 2020
3 Reasons Employers Should Invest in Reference Checks

Consider the following scenario: The owner of a food distribution company is looking to hire a new Vice President. They’re vetting a number of candidates, all of whom have interviewed well and passed their background screening.


The next step is to check the applicants’ references. No matter your industry, reference checks are vital to the hiring process.


What Are Reference Checks?

Reference checks occur when a hiring manager contacts the candidate’s previous employers, schools, or other third-party sources to learn more about their qualifications. These checks allow the company to explore the applicant’s employment history, educational background, and character.


These checks can be as simple as confirming the candidate’s job title and dates of employment. They can also be relatively complex, and explore the individual’s skillset and general work performance.


A key part of the screening process, reference checks are also an important part of employment verification. They can be used to confirm truthfulness on a resume or job application, and make sure the applicant’s abilities truly align with the job in question.


Reference Checks in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, and Austin

Redstar Backgrounds conducts reference checks on behalf of companies and nonprofit organizations throughout Texas and nationwide. Our expert team can oversee the entire reference check process, and contact your job candidates’ personal and professional references.


Often, reference checks are completed via phone interview. Conversely, digital reference checks allow candidates to submit requests to their contacts online.


Background screening companies like Redstar verify the information references provide and organize the data. The result is a well-organized, simplified hiring process.


We may ask the applicant’s references questions such as:


  • What dates did the applicant work at your organization?


  • Describe a situation where the applicant helped solve a problem.


  • How would you describe the applicant’s communication? What about their collaboration with others?


  • Would you hire the applicant again?


A combination of general and specific questions—many of them open-ended—will offer deep insights into the candidate’s character and capabilities.


It’s worth noting that Texas law protects employers against defamation lawsuits based on employer references, so long as the employer does not intentionally provide false information. In addition, all information employers release to hiring managers should be factual and non-inflammatory in nature.


Why Should Texas Employers Invest in Reference Checks?

If your organization isn’t already checking applicants’ references, we strongly encourage you to start doing so. Companies that invest in reference checks can save time and make better-informed hiring decisions.


Here are three reasons to start reference checking:


  1. Clarify ambiguous parts of the candidate’s cover letter and resume.

Say an applicant nailed their interview, but their cover letter and resume leave something to be desired. Perhaps there are missing dates, discrepancies in their location, or other issues. Reference checks can help clarify information that doesn’t add up.


  1. Better understand the applicant’s expertise.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses. That said, past performance is a great indicator of future performance. Reference checks, in this way, can help employers get a sense of the candidate’s abilities. This can help them determine whether the candidate would be a good fit for the new role.


  1. Hire the most qualified candidates for the position.

Hiring managers and recruiters want to fill openings with top-qualified, experienced professionals. By conducting reference checks, employers can eliminate untruthful candidates, get a sense of how well applicants collaborate with others, and glean other essential information.


Are you interested in learning more about conducting reference checks? Please contact us for details. You can also follow Redstar Backgrounds on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more information and updates.

Posted by: Ryan J. McClure AT 04:02 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, February 12 2020
Motor Vehicle Records Checks Are Crucial to Texas Employers. Here's Why

Do you work in the transportation industry?


Or, do you employ team members who drive on the job?


If so, you understand that motor vehicle records (MVR) checks are crucial to your success. Texas recruiters who are hiring drivers—or any employee who will be driving on company time—must do their due diligence and invest in MVR checks. In fact, companies operating in industries regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT) must request a new copy of their drivers’ records every year.


What Are Motor Vehicle Records Checks?

Motor vehicle records checks are critical to the background screening process. These checks are used to investigate the driving history of an applicant or current employee, and to help employers review other essential information.


Generally, MVR checks disclose whether an individual has:


- Traffic violations

- Unpaid parking tickets

- Vehicular crimes (including convictions like a DUI)

- An extensive motor vehicle accident history


They also include information such as the applicant’s:


- Driver’s license status, class, type, number, and expiration date

- Driving history (including any deducted points from the Department of Motor Vehicles)

- Driving restrictions (including glasses, hearing aids, and other relevant information)

- Special endorsements


If you aren’t familiar with the term “MVR check,” you might still be aware of this type of screening. MVR checks are also known as motor vehicle report checks, motor vehicle reports, driving records checks, and driver’s license verification.


How Do MVR Checks Work in Texas?

Redstar Backgrounds conducts MVR checks on behalf of companies, nonprofits, and government agencies throughout Texas. Our goal is to help your organization stay in compliance with the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.


At the state level, MVR checks bring organizations transparency so they can make the best possible hiring decisions. They also help to keep track of employees’ driving history over time. Driver’s license records are maintained by the Department of Motor Vehicles in each state.


It’s important to note that since there is no national database—and since Texas companies may hire candidates with licenses from other states—MVR checks are generally completed for the state where the applicant was issued their license. In most U.S. states, driving records date back three to seven years.


Why Do MVR Checks Matter for Employers?

Motor vehicle records checks focus on an applicant or employee’s driving activity. However, the benefits of this type of screening go far beyond the open road.


For instance, MVR checks reveal a great deal about the driver’s character. By adhering to basic traffic laws, the candidate shows they have integrity—and that they can follow standard procedures.


In addition, MVR checks are often used to verify the candidate’s identity. Many employers use MVR reports to confirm the applicant’s legal name, date of birth, and other critical details.


Something to consider: If an MVR check comes back with negative results, employers should proceed as they would in the case of a standard criminal records check. This means that before a hiring decision is made, the applicant should be issued a copy of the report and given time to correct any errors.


Ultimately, employers in Texas and nationwide must confirm their team members act responsibly behind the wheel. Motor vehicle records checks are an ideal strategy for doing so.


Are you interested in learning more about MVR checks? These checks are just one piece of the overall background screening process—and we’d be happy to walk you through our full suite of solutions. Simply contact Redstar Backgrounds for details. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more information.

Posted by: Maddie Cohen AT 10:11 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, January 27 2020
Church Volunteer Background Checks: Why They Matter

Most churches are inherently trusting of their community. Those that work closely with children, the elderly, and vulnerable groups may have an open-door policy where everyone is welcome.


This, in many ways, is an admirable thing.


That said, if you run a church—or any type of non-profit—your priority should be to protect the people you serve.


This makes it imperative to run background checks on your volunteers.


Why Should Texas Churches Screen Their Volunteers?

While some churches have a policy of screening their staff and volunteers, others are more hesitant to do so. They may avoid screening their volunteers in fear of alienating members of their community, or to avoid exposing people’s darker histories.


In summary, churches that don’t currently conduct background checks may:

  • Fear they'll seem distrustful or suspicious
  • Worry about the repercussions of revealing a volunteer's potentially-untoward history
  • Fail to attract enough volunteers to keep the church running smoothly

While these concerns are understandable, Texas churches will protect themselves from harm, undue risks, and liability by implementing a volunteer screening policy.


Why Should Texas Churches Screen Their Volunteers?

All it takes is a single incident to tarnish your reputation—and your community’s well-being.


By screening your volunteers, you can safeguard your church and the people you serve. Screening will also deter volunteers with poor intentions from getting involved in the first place.


Whether you operate a daycare in your church or serve meals to community groups, it’s essential that you know who your volunteers are. Regardless of whether your volunteers work inside your church or in another environment, you want to cultivate a safe and welcoming space.


To this end, volunteer background checks will:

  • Ensure safety and prevent negligence
  • Bring peace of mind to the whole community
  • Reduce liability and other issues
  • Establish transparency as a core ministry value
  • Set clear expectations for volunteers

A background check company can help your church screen your volunteers in a comprehensive, discrete way. Redstar Backgrounds, for instance, offers timely, error-free volunteer screening services for churches in San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Austin, and other Texas cities.


Church Volunteer Screening in San Antonio, Austin, and Corpus Christi

By protecting your community, you can protect your ministry.


At the very least, your church volunteer screening program should start with the following:

  • Written policies and procedures outling how you operate
  • An annual review of any existing policies to ensure they're up-to-date
  • Descriptions for every volunteer position, and organized volunteer applications and forms
  • Community safety questionnaires and volunteer training materials

From there, you can obtain volunteers’ consent to run official background checks.


It’s important to note that candidates must consent to the background check. This advance notice will encourage volunteers to disclose key information themselves, before the screening is completed. This can result in a productive, open dialogue.


In addition, you’ll want to be upfront about which crimes are disqualifiers. For financial misdemeanors, and minor drug or alcohol charges from the distant past, you can use your discretion. Violent crimes, sex crimes, and crimes involving children, however, should absolutely be disqualifiers. And by conducting background checks, you can make quick and reasonable decisions about who you welcome into your community.


Does the importance of screening your volunteers make sense to you?


If so, we invite your church to get started today. We’ll be happy to walk you through any points of concern, and make sure your process is in full compliance with any licensing or accreditation standards you have in place.


Please contact us for more information, and someone from our organization will get back to you shortly. You can also follow Redstar Backgrounds on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more information and updates.

Posted by: Ryan J. McClure AT 04:13 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 15 2020
4 Things to Look for in a Background Check Company

To hire the right people, you need to do a little bit of digging. That is, you need to investigate your pool of applicants to guarantee a good fit.  

This is where a background check company comes in.

Hiring a background check company can help Texas organizations mitigate their risks and take on the best team members. Companies like Redstar Backgrounds offer quick, error-free, comprehensive reports.

Texas Organizations Must Screen Their Candidates

Background check screening services don’t have to be overwhelming. Outsourcing these tasks will allow you to make sure they’re done right, and promote employee retention as a result.

Common screenings include:

  • Criminal records searches (county, state, and national)
  • Sex offender registry searches
  • Civil records checks
  • Social security number traces
  • Address validations

Additional screenings include:

  • Employment, education, and professional license verifications
  • Drug and alcohol tests
  • Motor vehicle records searches
  • Employment credit reports
  • Reference checks

With a professional background check service, you can mix and match the screenings you need and enjoy a custom solution.

Choosing the Right Texas Background Check or Screening Service

Conduct a Google search, and you will find a number of background check screening services to choose from. Local and national options abound—and choosing the best solution may seem difficult.

 Here are four things to consider when selecting a background check provider:

1. Online vs. full-service firms

Most online background check sites are simple and affordable. However, they aren’t always FCRA-compliant—that is, compliant with the Fair Credit Reporting Act. In addition, the information involved may be accurate or incomplete.

Full-service firms like Redstar Backgrounds, on the other hand, follow FCRA standards. They provide a more thorough solution that involves direct contact with institutions and employers. They can also customize a package to meet the exact needs of your organization.

2. Your specific needs 

From cost to the screenings available, you should make sure your background check provider can deliver what you’re looking for. Be sure to investigate details such as pricing, customer support, and customer service.

You can also explore whether the company has worked with organizations in your sector—this will help you make sure they can navigate industry-specific criteria. And if you’re on a tight deadline, you’ll want to confirm your provider can work on a short turnaround.

3. Reputation

Don’t overlook the importance of researching several background screening providers. From online reviews to word-of-mouth referrals, other people’s experiences can be very insightful. A bit of research will also let you in on important information like accreditation and accuracy.

So, set aside an hour or two to do some background screening of your own—and then work with the provider whose reputation resonates most with you.

4. Location and service area

Some providers only offer local or state background checks. You’ll want to make sure the company you hire can screen in the locations you need them to.

If you’re based in South Central Texas, consider working with a provider located right in your area. Redstar Backgrounds serves clients from across the state and nationwide. 

Background Checks in Austin, Corpus Christi, and San Antonio

Businesses that don’t perform background checks put themselves at risk. Just as you wouldn’t welcome a stranger into your home, you shouldn’t welcome a stranger into your company.

If you run a business in Austin, Corpus Christi, or the surrounding areas—or anywhere in San Antonio and Bexar counties—we’ve got you covered. Please contact us with details on your needs, and someone from our full-service screening screening company will get back to you shortly. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for more information and updates.

Posted by: Maddie Cohen AT 12:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Wednesday, January 08 2020
Your Employee's Drug Test Results Came Back Positive. What Actions Should You Take?

We’ve gone over the benefits of drug screening your employees in a previous post. What we haven’t discussed is what you should do if those test results come back positive.


Drug Screening for Austin, San Antonio, and Corpus Christi Businesses

Your drug screening program is highly successful. You’ve invested in a custom solution, you are screening your staff at appropriate intervals, and the results have been negative across the board.


Your goal is to ensure a safe workplace. By drug testing your employees, you’re protecting your organization.


What happens, though, when the results are positive?


Now, per FCRA guidelines, employees must consent to being screened for illegal substances. Generally, staff members will have already consented by signing a company substance abuse policy. This policy lets employees know they might be screened.


So, if an employee’s drug test results come back positive, it’s important to note they consented to the screening. And if you’re lucky, your company policy will also outline the steps you should take when an employee fails their drug test.


How Should Texas Employers Respond to Positive Drug Test Results?

If a staff member’s drug test comes back positive, you need to address the issue.


Scenario 1: Say you’re dealing with a first-time offender who tests positive for marijuana use. You may issue a warning in this case, and insist that things change moving forward. You may then issue several other drug tests in the next month or so. If these too come back positive, the employee will be terminated.


Scenario 2: Say the employee claims their results showed a false positive. Sources reveal this could happen up to 15% of the time—and it’s imperative that you issue a retest in this case. (Everything from the consumption of too many poppy seeds to certain cold medications can influence the results of a standard drug test.)


Scenario 3: Say the team member’s drug test results come back positive for cocaine, and they admit to having done drugs. You will want to adhere to the termination procedures in your company policy, and you will need to make sure you’ve documented everything.


To summarize, you should follow these steps when facing a positive employee drug test result:


  • Let the employee know about the outcome
  • Give the employee a copy of their drug test results
  • Remind the employee of their rights (and ask them to explain the positive results)
  • Give the employee an opportunity to complete a retest (with a new urine or saliva sample)
  • Inform the employee of the consequences of their drug test results


Regardless of your response, positive drug test results should not be taken lightly.


Navigating Drug Screening After a Positive Result

Before taking adverse action, you should think carefully about the situation you’re dealing with.


It’s important to follow your company policy, yes—but it’s also important to act based on how you’ve handled similar situations in the past.


Consistency is key here. For instance, you cannot fire everyone over a certain age who tested positive for amphetamines, but give your younger staff more leeway. This would be considered ageist, and it could lead to legal trouble.


In addition, for medical marijuana and prescription drugs in particular, you should be aware of the requirements under the Americans with Disabilities Act.


But ultimately, with the right program in place, you will be well on your way to protecting your organization.


Interested in launching or updating your drug screening program? Redstar Backgrounds works with companies throughout San Antonio and Bexar counties, as well as companies in Austin, Corpus Christi, and the surrounding areas. Please contact us for more information. You can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn for updates.

Posted by: Ryan J. McClure AT 03:57 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, December 31 2019
Why Volunteer Screening Is Key to the Health of Your Non-Profit

You’ve heard about employment background checks. Chances are you’re familiar with employment verification services as well.


But say you work at a non-profit. You likely manage a group of volunteers in addition to your staff. Are you screening everyone to the extent that you should be?


Protect Your Organization, Protect the People You Serve

Many organizations view volunteers as entirely different from their employees. These people are donating their time to assist your organization. Clearly they have only the best intentions, right?


Not necessarily.


No matter the nature of your organization, not-for-profit entities in Texas and across the United States must screen their volunteers. This is particularly critical for non-profits and charities whose volunteers work with children, the elderly, and the disabled.


You want to make sure vulnerable populations are protected—and the general public, for that matter. Plus, you’ll want to do your due diligence in order to limit your own liability. Since many volunteers work in the same capacity as employees, they ought to be held to the same standard. This means sufficient screening is key.


How Does Volunteer Screening Work?

Volunteer screening is meant to safeguard the client’s reputation. Non-profits should invest in this service to prevent assault, fraud, child abuse, and other criminal exposure.


How so? Most volunteer screening programs can be customized to protect your group and the people you serve. At Redstar Backgrounds, our solutions include:


  • Direct Portal Entry

Organizations can screen their volunteers directly from their work station, and background checks are conducted through an online portal. This solution is ideal for organizations tasked with screening smaller groups of volunteers. 


  • Keyed Applicant Request

By sending the volunteer a link key, organizations can have the user input their own information. The volunteer can then complete the screening on their own time.


  • Custom Volunteer Screening Platform

Organizations also have the option to invest in a personalized volunteer screening platform. Our team, for instance, can develop a landing page for your volunteer program. This system is ideal for large organizations screening sizeable groups of volunteers.


Compliance with local, state, and federal regulations is critical to your screening environment. Here at Redstar, we ensure complete and total compliance—including with the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).


What Are the Benefits of Volunteer Screening?

Non-profits that rely on federal or state funding are often required to complete background screening on their volunteers. The way you go about this process, however, depends on your needs and the size of your organization.


Generally, the right volunteer screening program will dive deep into the individual’s criminal history, driving history, and overall background. Drug testing and verification services are also available to adequately screen volunteers.


These services can help to:


  • Protect Your Organization

A solid reputation in your community or industry can drive support—both financial support and positive word-of-mouth. As such, volunteer screening can safeguard your standing as an organization that does real, tangible good. The right program will prevent volunteers with a criminal past or faulty driving history from getting involved in the first place.


  • Discourage Ill-Intentioned Volunteers

While most prospective volunteers are acting in good faith, there are risks involved in onboarding a new person. Fortunately, volunteer screening is often enough to keep people with questionable motives at bay. 


Here at Redstar Backgrounds, we want nothing more than for your volunteers and the people you serve to thrive. This is why it’s so important to perform background screening on your volunteers. If you are interested in exploring volunteer screening for your non-profit or charity organization, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

Posted by: Maddie Cohen AT 03:35 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Monday, December 23 2019
Should Your Texas Company Invest in Employee Drug Testing?

Perhaps your organization uses drug screening during the hiring process. Maybe you administer drug tests for current employees. No matter the nature of your drug screening program (or lack thereof), the right solution can be a real asset to your company.


Drug Testing Can Help Protect Your Business

Data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health reveals that 10.6% of full-time employees and 13.2% of part-time employees above the age of 18 reported using illicit drugs in the last 30 days. This type of behavior leads to significant liability that can be avoided with the right program.


So, here are some key reasons why your Texas company should invest in employee drug testing:


  • Promote Employee and Community Safety

A curated drug screening program can protect your staff, your workplace, and the community at large. Drug and alcohol users risk hurting themselves and others on the job—and you wouldn’t want to onboard someone who may well be a safety risk. Potential incidents range from driving under the influence to creating a product while impaired, and the consequences aren’t pretty.


This is where we come in. Redstar Backgrounds can put together a custom drug testing program that will allow you to increase workplace safety based on your exact needs. Together, we can work to reduce injury and liability.


  • Safeguard Your Reputation and Prevent Lawsuits

Of course you wouldn’t want to incur legal damages due to an employee’s drug or alcohol use. Preventing lawsuits is key here. In this same vein, you should also work hard to protect your business reputation. This means screening applicants for drugs and incorporating periodic employee drug testing into your company policy.


Why is this so important? Consider the following: If a claims investigation shows an employee was using drugs on the job, your brand image could suffer. You don’t want to be known for creating defective products, performing subpar services, or failing to meet customer and investor standards. This is where our solutions can help.


  • Save Money and Minimize Long-Term Costs

Looking to eliminate medical expenses, overwhelming lawsuits, and accident-related costs within your company? You can avoid expensive injury claims by implementing a drug testing program.


By screening for candidates who use drugs, you’ll also save money on health insurance and other benefits. This is because these individuals generally require more care. Even worker’s compensation includes a clause stating that employers who drug test their employees will not be on the hook if drug use ends up being a factor in a staff member’s injury.


Start Drug Testing Your Employees and Applicants Today


Alcohol and drug abuse can cost Texas companies a great deal of money. Additional consequences include lost productivity, absenteeism, workplace injury, poor decision-making, low employee morale, and extended liabilities.


Surely you want to mitigate these risks. Whether you’re looking to have your current drug screening program evaluated or hoping to implement a new one entirely, Redstar Backgrounds is here to help. Our clients enjoy a full spectrum of drug screening services, including:


  • Paperless drug screening
  • Department of Transportation (DOT) drug testing
  • Random drug and alcohol testing
  • Onsite drug screening
  • Drug screening kits including saliva and urine


Drug screening has become increasingly critical to the background check process. Then, once the candidate has been hired, drug testing remains equally important. Current estimates show that roughly 40% of U.S. employees are subjected to drug tests.


If this service sounds like something your organization could benefit from, we’ll guide you through the next steps. Redstar Backgrounds works with clients in San Antonio, throughout Texas, and across the country. We take pride in creating custom programs tailored to each company’s needs. Please contact us for details.

Posted by: Ryan J. McClure AT 06:12 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Tuesday, December 17 2019
The Importance of Employment Verification Services

The candidate you’re considering has passed their criminal background check. They exceeded your expectations during their interview, and it seems like they could be a great fit.


Now they are one step closer to becoming your company’s newest hire—but you’ve still got work to do. Your Texas company will want to verify the applicant’s employment, education, licensure, and other details. This will help to ensure the candidate is truthful and well-qualified.


What Is Employment Verification?

Employment verification is a service that allows employers to verify the information a candidate has reported with actual information furnished by a background screening company.


This service can confirm key employment information such as:


  • Job start and end dates
  • Positions and job duties
  • Eligibility for rehire


While you may want to spearhead your own company employment verification program, outsourcing this service can save you a great deal of time and stress. At Redstar Backgrounds, we know the ins and outs of the industry, and we can help you navigate the verification process.


For instance, it’s important to be aware of the fact that employers must get permission from the candidate before conducting employment verification. Applicants absolutely have the right to deny permission to contact a previous employer, although they may still need to furnish paystubs, W-2 forms, and other tax documents.


Similarly, if one of the candidate’s prior employers is no longer in business, background screening companies like Redstar can take over the verification process. Even the more complex parts of this service are within our expertise.


Why Are Employment Verification Services Important?

Employment verification services are essential. They can help to identify dishonest candidates, confirm the applicant’s work history, and ensure your Texas company is making a solid hiring decision. Exploring the candidate’s work history can also provide important insights into their career stability.


Additional reasons employment verification is so important:


  • Employers can be held liable if they don’t use what is known as “reasonable care” in their hiring process. This means the company must do its due diligence in screening candidates for truthfulness, licensure, and other factors. Put simply, without adequately vetting your applicants, your business could run into legal trouble.


  • 86% of HireRight Benchmarking Report respondents revealed that employment verification uncovered candidates who lied on or embellished their resumes and applications. Meanwhile, the U.S. Department of Labor stated the average cost of a poor hiring decision is up to 30% of the candidate’s first-year earnings. Why not invest in a service that can protect your company?


  • Third-party employment verification services are secure and generally include software that will protect the candidate’s personal information. This brings peace of mind to both the hiring organization and the applicant.


These are just some of factors that make employment verification appealing. Some clients choose to verify five years of their candidates’ employment history, while others only vet the last two years. Your company can decide what’s best for you, and we’ll take care of the rest.


What Other Verification Services Should You Consider?

Employment verification isn’t the only type of verification service your business should consider using. When screening candidates, you may also want to look into education verification, professional license verification, and even reference verification.


Hiring is one of the most critical decisions you can make, and failure to carefully vet applicants can lead to a number of challenges down the road. Regardless of the verification services you choose, screening your potential employees can do your organization a world of good.


Are you interested in learning more about the verification services at Redstar Backgrounds? Please contact us for details.

Posted by: Maddie Cohen AT 01:54 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email



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    Grand Island, Nebraska 68803
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